Grand Tack Hypothesis for Jupiter
Grand tack hypothesis for Jupiter: The grand tack hypothesis states that Jupiter formed at 3.5 AU, moved inward to 1.5 AU, reversed course after entangling Saturn in an orbital resonance, and finally came to rest close to its present orbit at 5.2 AU. The snow line is the distance from the early Sun where the temperature is sufficiently frigid for volatiles like water to condense into solids. Current theories of the Solar System's creation imply that Jupiter originated at or beyond the snow line. The planet's atmosphere first formed as a gaseous atmosphere around a solid core. It's unlikely that life as we know it could exist on Jupiter. Most likely, creatures cannot adapt to the severe and variable temperatures, pressures, and materials that make up our planet. The grand-tack hypothesis: According to the "Grand Tack" scenario, the large planets' orbital migration in the gaseous protoplanetary disc is what shaped the inner Solar System. Jupiter first moved inwa...