Revolutionizing Farming using AI

Revolutionizing Farming using AI


The data from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) clearly shows that by 2050 the world's population will increase by 2 billion. The total land area under cultivation would be only 4% by that time. This will eventually add stress to existing farming techniques and research methodology. We not only need to increase the yield but also a severe need to increase the current speed of agriculture research. The increasing effects of global warming add more fuel to this problem. Excessive use of pesticides and insecticides in the past several decades has deteriorated the land quality, which eventually affected the crop quality. Intense crop breeding s required that can survive the adversities in the future. 

All this in the end means that we need to revolutionize farming practices around the globe. The possible new "green" revolution will be different from the previous one that happened a few decades back. This time computers and specifically artificial intelligence will play a major role in the revolution. The work has already been started by numerous researchers around the globe in this field. Here I have highlighted two major ongoing research fields that use AI. 

1. Monitoring crop Health: 

The poor health of crops is a major reason for crop failure. Traditionally, crop health detection is done by observing the colour of the leaf and the presence of spots. However, these time-consuming techniques are now replaced by computers and drones. The drone-based aerial imaging can easily monitor crop health across a large field. This has guided farmers to use pesticides and other chemicals only in the required area. Drones would scan the whole farm with a particular crop. Then the captured data and images are sent for advanced processing, where the AI plays its role. These advanced image processing techniques developed precisely for the agriculture market can easily and efficiently detect various diseases in a particular crop.   

This effective field scanning method has also reduced the spread of diseases in the crops. A group of researchers including Xanthoula Pantazi, Jon West and Roberto Oberti has successfully developed an algorithm for wheat that can easily differentiate between healthy and diseased crops. The algorithm successfully identified nitrogen-stressed, rust-infected yellow crops using self-imaging techniques.   

Drones have proved to be a very successful medium to improve farming techniques. Today, the total drone-based solution market for agriculture is about 32 billion dollars. Drones are used not only for disease detection but also for land quality measurement, water level detection, precise seed cultivation and yield management. Efficient land scanning can help to predict the best fit crop for that particular land, which will eventually positively affect the crop yield. 

2. Crop Breeding:

One of the most complicated and time-consuming processes in the field of agriculture research is crop breeding. With the increasing demands, researchers don't think they have time for typical breeding techniques. Researchers are shifting towards computers for effective breeding predictions and computations. Using AI, breeders can easily access which particular crops grow faster in a particular climate condition or the land. This effective breeding is expected to increase yield and even crop quality. 

The reason why we can integrate breeding techniques with AI is that plant breeding not only depends on genetics but also on mathematics. Various statistical data are also needed for successful plant breeding. Since last two decades, computers were getting introduced in the breeding process. However, with the recent advancements in AI, its usage is getting more significant.   

Crop breeder and geneticist Steven Tanksley firmly believe that AI has made the complicated breeding process much easier. It has overcome various problems that were faced in a typical approach. For example, for a successful breed, the breeder must decide the genetic lines that will optimize the crop. Wheat, for example, has more than 200 genetic lines. The breeder must decide the most optimal lines to breed together. It's very difficult to decide the correct pair of lines and sometimes the number of possible pairs is more than the stars in the universe

This puzzle is now solved up to a certain extent by optimization algorithms. These algorithms are developed to decide the quickest path to find the optimal pairs in the shortest possible time. Along with the genetic lines, breeders also include different traits like DNA sequences, drought tolerance, disease resistance etc. The algorithm calculates which gene is associated with which trait and determines the optimal combination o genes. The algorithm also determines which lines to cross together.

This AI technique has also attracted large seed manufacturing companies. Various private seed manufacturers are conducting their independent breeding research using AI. Both the above methods, crop monitoring and breeding techniques using AI have successfully gained the interest of private firms across the globe. However, apart from these two methods, AI is getting involved in more and more agriculture practices. Irrigation techniques are also revolutionizing with AI. One can easily confirm with the ongoing trend that AI is the best possible way to bring change to agriculture. Just as the industrial revolution mechanized farming, today's AI era will computerized farming.        


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