
Deep Neural Networks for ADMET properties' prediction

Introduction The absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity properties of any compound contributes to its potential as an orally administered drug. A set of criteria defined by Rule of Five or the Pfizer's Rule of Five stats that any compound meeting these criteria are more likely to have ADMET properties. The importance of these properties has increased in modern medicinal chemistry and new machine learning techniques are employed to predict these properties. The predictive ADMET models have helped in discovery of small molecules with improved safety and dose. Deep Neural Networks are showing usefulness in such predictions due to improved computational efficiency, larger datasets and adaption of image processing in the chemistry. Early Models The early DNNs employed showed improved prediction performance. Many researchers raised concerned that this improvement is in fact has no relation with better computational capacity, rather it is result of mere memorizing of

Marine eDNA Analysis using DL techniques

Introduction Environmental DNA (eDNA) is the genetic information or material released by an organism into its surroundings through activities like skin shedding, mucus, urine or other secretions. These materials contain DNA fragments that can be found in soil, water or air samples. The concept of eDNA is based on the fact that organisms constantly leave organic traces behind them. By analysing the eDNA, researchers can detect the presence of any species in that area. This method is a valuable technique for biodiversity monitoring and ecological research.    Unlike traditional methods that involve direct observation or capturing of organisms, eDNA analysis allows researchers to study biodiversity without directly interacting with the species. This non-invasive approach is particularly useful for studying elusive or endangered species. eDNA analysis has been applied in various ecosystems, including freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments. It is used to study aquatic organisms, t

Assisting Neuroimaging through DL

Introduction: In recent years, neuroimaging has been a research attraction, especially due to fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) advancements. The fMRI data comprises of often several individuals. This data is used by researchers to study the association between the cognitive states of an individual and the underlying brain activities. The fMRI data used for neuroimaging is ideally suited for deep learning applications. The large, structured datasets of fMRI can be used for representation-learning methods of the DL. Generally, DL can be defined as a learning method with multiple levels of abstraction, where at each level the input data is transformed by a simple non-linear function which enables the model to recognize complex patterns. With higher-level representation, DL methods can associate a target variable with variable patterns in input data. Also, DL techniques can independently acquire these transformations from the data, eliminating the need for a comprehensive preex

Confronting Biodiversity Challenges in Marine Video Monitoring

Introduction Our current generation is facing the challenges of climate change and global warming. The series of feedback events due to the constant degradation of the environment resulted in anthropogenic defaunation and declination in the quality of the entire ecosystem. For centuries, humans have been keeping a watch on species using various methods like drawings, writings and paintings. Then photographs and videos were introduced to study and track various species. The introduction of video tracking played an impactful role in studying marine biodiversity. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth, which is around 361 million sq km. Monitoring marine species has been a challenge for researchers for decades. Ocean provides a home to a wide range of species, some are even yet to be discovered. Video surveys are making things easy for the researchers. They have the capability to monitor underwater activities with much greater accuracy and precision. These surveys can search for species and monito

Humanity's home in space is the International Space Station

Introduction: A great example of human ingenuity and teamwork in space exploration is the International Space Station (ISS). It serves as a cutting-edge research facility, a representation of global collaboration, and the home of mankind in space. We will examine the significance of the ISS, its design and operation, the scientific advances made on board, the advantages it offers to mankind, and its function as a launching pad for further space travel in this blog post. The International Space Station (ISS) is a wonderful example of human ingenuity and global collaboration in space exploration. With the assistance of several countries and organizations, the International Orbit Station (ISS) was constructed in orbit as a state-of-the-art research center in a microgravity setting. It has inspired innovative studies in a variety of scientific fields. Additionally, it has strengthened cross-cultural connections, inspired youth, and promoted STEM education.  Both on Earth and in space, the

How Visual Cortex inspired the Convolutional Neural Networks

Introduction Since the 1960s, after the successful development (at least with respect to the existing technologies of that time) of the first perceptron by Frank Rosenblatt, researchers around the world have been trying to make computers more brain-like. In other words, they are constantly trying to develop programs and hardware that work much like our brains. However, creating a machine that thinks and programs like a human brain is still impossible, given the limitations of present technologies. But, we are successful in this direction up to an agreeable extent. The perceptron developed by Rosenblatt can be considered one of the first implementations of neural networks. It was a huge hardware model, rather than a Python program like today's perceptrons.  Rosenblatt's perceptron was a simple binary input-output system, with various limitations. It was not trainable for different patterns, rather but for simple image recognization. The major drawback was its inability to perfor

Extending our Vision Beyond the Cosmos with Space Telescopes

Introduction: Since the dawn of time, humankind has been enthralled by the universe, from the first observations made with the unaided eye to the ground-breaking discoveries made possible by telescopes. The creation and use of space telescopes have become essential in enabling us to see beyond the limits of Earth as our need for information about the cosmos continues to expand. Space telescopes are free from atmospheric interference and can capture dim celestial objects in incredible detail. These are benefits that cannot be matched. This article explores the significance of space telescopes, outlining their development in technology and the ground-breaking discoveries they have enabled. It also looks at the ongoing and upcoming missions that have the potential to advance human knowledge of the cosmos and open up new areas of research. History of Space Telescopes: As we are talking about Telescope so it is required to know the history of it. Observing celestial objects from outside of

Setting the Stage for Future Missions and Beyond with Lunar Exploration

Setting the Stage for Future Missions and Beyond with Lunar Exploration Introduction Exploration of the Moon, sometimes referred to as Luna, is referred to as lunar exploration. There have been several trips to study the Moon over time, beginning with the Soviet Union's Luna programme and the American Apollo programme in the 1960s and 1970s. The persistent interest in lunar exploration is evidenced by more recent expeditions to the Moon from nations like China and India. To further our understanding of the universe and shape the future of space travel, lunar exploration is of utmost importance. The Moon is a proving ground for new technologies, a gateway for future space travel, and a source of important scientific knowledge because of its closeness to Earth and abundance of resources. We will examine the numerous ways that lunar exploration helps to pave the way for upcoming missions and creates opportunities for exploring beyond our lunar neighbour in this blog article. Both scie

Detecting Gravitational Waves using Deep Learning

What is a Gravitational Wave? Albert Einstein in his theory of relativity predicted the existence of gravitational waves. The general theory of relativity stated that the mass bends space-time curvature, creating gravity and space-time tells mass how to move. Space-time fabric is a four-dimensional quantity including the three normal dimensions and a fourth dimension of time!  Consider Earth as a ball with a specific mass and space-time as an elastic sheet of rubber (or a trampoline). If we place Earth at the center of this sheet, then it will obviously bend the sheet creating a curvature. Now, place a smaller ball with less mass, and call it the Moon. If we place the moon on the sheet, then will not directly collide with the Earth, rather it will travel in rotational motion around the Earth, before colliding. This simple movement of the smaller ball (Moon) revolving around the larger ball (Earth) explains the formation of gravity.  We all know, for any binary system in the universe, g

Machine Learning approach for Galaxy Morphology

What is Gaxaly Morphology? Galaxy morphology refers to the study and classification of the shapes, structures, and visual appearances of galaxies. It is a fundamental aspect of observational astronomy, as it provides valuable insights into the formation, evolution, and dynamics of galaxies. The study of galaxy morphology dates back to the pioneering work of astronomers like Edwin Hubble, who developed the Hubble morphological classification system in the 1920s. Hubble's classification scheme, known as the Hubble sequence or tuning fork diagram, categorized galaxies into different types based on their visual characteristics. This system remains widely used today as a basic framework for galaxy classification. Galaxies exhibit a remarkable diversity of morphologies, ranging from smooth and featureless elliptical galaxies to majestic spiral galaxies with well-defined arms, to irregular galaxies lacking a distinct structure. Some of the common morphological features observed in galaxie