Algorithms in our Daily Life
Introduction: Today, in the era of modern developing science we are surrounded by algorithms. Our technology is much centred around algorithms. Anything you do online or on the computer is possible because of algorithms. The pdf you read, the cab you book, the clothes you buy online, the text you send to your friend, social networking you use, all depend on algorithms. Not only in computational science but the development of astronomy, medical science, microbiology and mathematics in the past few decades is also made due to the creation of various algorithms. Algorithms in many senses have penetrated our daily lives. But how exactly do these algorithms which we merely know about influence our lives? This is what we are about to discuss. Technically, an algorithm is a sequence of precise instructions formulated to solve a particular problem. This sequence of instructions is used to provide us various services. Algorithms are developed to provide faster execution, search, and sorting of ...