Plastic Pollution in South China Sea
Introduction: In the past few decades, marine pollution has become a major issue around the globe. The amount of plastic and other material waste is increasingly disposed of in the marine waters. Major water bodies like the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are greatly affected. Countries like China, India, us and Australia play a major role in increasing such marine pollution. The great Pacific garbage patch is a clear example of increasing plastic pollution in our major water bodies. Apart from polluting the water, plastic pollution also affects ocean currents and marine biology. Microplastic has affected many edible fish species. Past research has clearly found microplastic in fins and other body parts of many fishes around Australia and Chinese costs. Here in this article, we will briefly discuss marine pollution in china. Microplastic in the South China Sea: South China Sea (SCS) is a major hotspot for marine plastic pollution. The abundance of atmospheric microplastic (MP) in the ...