Efficient Autonomous navigation for planetary rovers with limited resources (Paper Review)-Part 2
Paper Name:- Efficient autonomous navigation for planetary rovers with limited resources Author Name:- Levin Gerdes, Martin Azkarat, José Ricardo Sánchez‐Ibáñez, Luc Joudrier, Carlos Jesús Perez‐del‐Pulgar DOI:- 10.1002/rob.21981 (Please refer to the paper for the reference that I have mentioned in the review and want to know more about the topic) Note:- This is a second part of the paper review if you haven't read the first part of it. I suggest you should first part first. Building Blocks for the efficient autonomous navigation The authors describe the three key components they created for achieving the proposed efficient autonomous navigation mode with hazard avoidance capabilities. The trajectory control, hazard identification, and local path planner are the components in question. Our objective is to present a realistic approach for speedier autonomous navigation for Mars planetary rovers on terrains of low to moderate difficulty. While the approach p...