Winter Night Sky of Northern Hemisphere
Introduction Stargazing on a chilled winter night has its own unique experience. Observing those small, bright, twinkling dots in a black background is a hobby and daily routine of both, amateur and professional astronomers. However, saying only astronomers would be wrong. In fact, everyone loves stargazing. Perhaps, this is in the bloodline of the human race. Humans always tried to map the night sky for centuries. Observing stars and creating constellations was one of the earliest forms of astronomy. Ancient Greek, Chinese and Indian texts show numerous mentions and maps of constellations. Ancient astronomers and scholars mapped down the constellations centuries before the telescope was invented. Today, with advanced telescopes and spectroscopy instruments, we are in a whole new era of astronomy. FYI: Northern winter sky is the Southern summer sky and vice versa. But we might discuss the achievements in modern astronomy in upcoming articles. If you are living in the northern hemispher...