Superconductors found in Meteorites
Meteorites are known to have a wide range of materials due to their extreme environment. They are under constant heat, pressure and gravitational force. Hence it is possible to have rare materials on it, which might not be on the Earth. These all make them the perfect target to search superconductors. Meteorites are chemically inhomogeneous, which means they have non-uniform chemical composition. The superconductivity in meteorites might not be permanent. It can last for few minutes also. This makes the search for superconductivity even more difficult. To overcome this difficulty the astronomers have developed ultrasensitive MFMMS (Magnetic Field Modulated Microwave Spectroscopy). The MFMMS is a technique to measure superconductivity very precisely. Sensitivity is the key feature of this technique. This makes astronomers possible to measure superconductivity which lasted for a very short time. MFMMS is also used to detect the superconductivity in many alloys and bulk materials apa...