
Showing posts from June, 2021

Superconductors found in Meteorites

 Meteorites are known to have a wide range of materials due to their extreme environment. They are under constant heat, pressure and gravitational force. Hence it is possible to have rare materials on it, which might not be on the Earth. These all make them the perfect target to search superconductors. Meteorites are chemically inhomogeneous, which means they have non-uniform chemical composition. The superconductivity in meteorites might not be permanent. It can last for few minutes also. This makes the search for superconductivity even more difficult. To overcome this difficulty the astronomers have developed ultrasensitive MFMMS (Magnetic Field Modulated Microwave Spectroscopy). The MFMMS is a technique to measure superconductivity very precisely. Sensitivity is the key feature of this technique. This makes astronomers possible to measure superconductivity which lasted for a very short time. MFMMS is also used to detect the superconductivity in many alloys and bulk materials apa...

Red Super giants do not always ends in supernova.

 In 2008, a giant red star appeared on the horizon of its life. A heavy star like this is born 25 times the mass of the Sun, had to come out with a boom of firelight known as a supernova, millions or billions of times brighter than our Sun. But this star refused to play the role of the drama queen. Instead, it just emits a little light, then disappeared, perhaps leaving a black hole. No one has ever seen one of these huge red stars dying quietly in the past. It was a sign that the lives and death of these stars are even more complicated than our simple ideas. "As amazing and important and fun and exciting as this is, it's not surprising," said Stan Woosley at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In fact, the discovery may be helpful in explaining why big stars in computer models often fail to explode. A popular theory holds that almost all stars born more than eight times the size of the Sun ends up in supernovae. When the star is young, it shines brightly and blue. ...

How Moon Dust is a problem for future Lunar Missions

The dust of the moon is not the same as the dust that settles on a bookshelf or on a table. It is so bad that it even broke NASA's vacuum designed to clean up the Moondust with Apollo planes. With NASA's return to the Moon and its orbit, it will have to carry the dust, which is also dangerous to humans. The first step is to know how close you are at any given time. Efforts to do that are already paying off on Earth, in the fight against air pollution. Apollo's machines fought hard to deal with the damage caused by the moon's dust. It turned off the camera and scratched the helmet making it hard for astronauts to see.  Apollo 17 astronaut, Harrison Schmitt described his reaction to lunar dust as “moon hay fever,” with a sore throat. The symptoms went away, but concern about human health is the reason behind NASA's research on lunar soil. Sensitive issues such as lungs will be damaged by the dust of the moon trapped inside the living space. While air filters can remov...

Knowing the Mars: Water on the Surface

  Mars, our only hope for survival if we wanted to leave the Earth. It is the neighbour planet of Earth and the second smallest planet in the solar system. The Red Planet got everyone's attention when water was discovered on it. Today, water is present only at the North Pole in form of ice caps and beneath the carbon dioxide caps. Apart from water, the Martian atmosphere is the only suitable place to live, apart from the Earth. A very minute quantity of vapour is present in the Martian atmosphere. More than 5 million cubic km of ice is present on the surface of Mars. Hence it is possible to create an artificial lake or sea on Mars by melting those ice caps. There is no existence of liquid water on Mars. However, it is believed that a few million years ago, rivers were flowing on the Martian surface.  Timeline of Water on Mars: A few million years ago, Martian soil was thriving with liquid water. Evidence of flowing water (i.e river) and lakes were found during several studies....